Student Clubs Offer Significant Advantages The quicker you're able to become debt free, the faster you'll be able to receive pure profit from all your hard work. If you can repay the loan early, we highly recommend doing so. If you cannot pay your staff, they will eventually decide to quit. However, these changes all have effects as both your staff and students will decrease happiness. You may want to lower your staff count, lower staff wages, and increase student tuition fees.

If you've taken a loan and are still managing to pull negative return figures each month, you will need to look at the root of the problem and potentially pull back the campus scale. Note that while it would be nice to have the extra cash from the "Swindles" and "Smell My Cash" loans, their interest rates are significantly hiked in price, which will drive higher repayments. You risk entering inescapable debt if you're not earning enough to pay the bills. However, before jumping into a loan, you first need to ensure you're able to make the monthly repayment while still having a small profit - this will allow you some spare cash to purchase any items needed over the term of the loan. Loans can be helpful in the short term, especially if you're struggling to build the requirements needed to run your courses. See our complete Course Guide to find everything you need to know about all 17 courses that are available to unlock and teach in Two Point Campus. Here's a list of all available courses that can be unlocked over the course of the campaign in Two Point Campus. It's worth noting that any changes that you make to your courses will not take effect until the start of the new academic year. While lowering course fees isn't always recommended, it's a great method for increasing student happiness by 10% when lowering the normal tuition fees by -20%. While it’s great to hire staff with high skills in a certain area, it’s also important to ensure that you’re putting these skills to use. When hiring staff, you’ll notice that more often than not, they’ll offer a wide range of varying qualifications and skills, whether this is Library Management, Inspirational Speaking, Aerodynamics, Comic Timing, or something more. In addition, you’ll want to ensure that you provide enough Janitors to help keep your campus clean, maintained, and secure.

When running a course or constructing facilities such as a Library, Student Union, or food and drink stalls, you’ll need to ensure that you have an adequate number of staff members with relevant skills available. It’s crucial to your student’s success that you employ the best possible staff to teach your courses and help run your campus. Understanding How Staff Work in Two Point Campus Design your own challenge down to every detail, which includes a variety of game-changing modifiers that affect challenges, objectives, building, and even income.